Unveiling CCD's Social Decline

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Research Methodlogy


University Project


1 weeks

My Approach: Crafting Digital Excellence

This project delves into the declining popularity of Café Coffee Day (CCD) in Mumbai. By conducting in-depth interviews and thorough market analysis, I aimed to uncover the key factors contributing to CCD's waning appeal. My approach involved gathering firsthand insights from customers and comparing CCD's performance with its competitors.

Vision and Innovation

The vision behind this project is to revitalize CCD's brand by understanding and addressing the core issues affecting its market presence. By integrating innovative strategies and consumer-driven insights, the goal is to transform CCD into a preferred destination for social gatherings and coffee enthusiasts in Mumbai.

Identifying Unique Challenges

Key challenges identified include declining food quality, inconvenient location changes, high prices, and a lack of appealing ambiance. Additionally, CCD's limited social media engagement has affected its ability to attract and retain customers.

Resolving Complex Problems

To resolve these issues, the project suggests a multi-faceted approach:

  • Enhancing food quality to meet customer expectations.

  • Strategically choosing locations that are convenient for target customers.

  • Improving ambiance to create a welcoming and premium experience.

  • Revamping social media strategy to increase engagement and brand visibility.

User-Centric Design

The solutions proposed are centered around the needs and preferences of the users. By focusing on customer feedback and market trends, the project aims to design an experience that resonates with CCD’s target audience, ensuring that their expectations are met and exceeded.

This brief outlines the comprehensive strategy undertaken to understand and address the challenges faced by CCD, with the ultimate goal of re-establishing its position in the competitive Mumbai cafe market.